Department of Dermatology and Venerology

Raja 31
50417 Tartu linn,
Tartu linn, Tartumaa
+372 731 9702
Külli Kingo
Head of Clinic, Professor in Dermatology and Venereology 0.5 p
dr. med.
+372 731 9706
Kristi Abram
Associate Professor of Skin and Venereal Diseases 0.75 p
dr. med.
+372 731 9724
Liisi Raam
Lecturer of Dermatovenereology 0.4 p
PhD (Medicine)
+372 731 9712,+372 731 9720
r A3045
Annika Volke
Assistant in Dermatovenereology 0.25 p
+372 731 9705
Raja 31-A2062
Oliver Taul
Assistant in Dermatovenerology 0.25 p
+372 731 9705
Raja 31-B3047
Age Kalbus
Assistant in Dermatovenerology 0.25 p
0371 731 9712
Raja 31-B3049
Helgi Silm
Specialist of Dermatology and Venereology 0.75 p
cand (Medicine)
+372 731 9700
Raja 31-A2064
Imbi Jaks
Secretary 0.75 p
MBA (Business Administration (Financial Management))
Raja 31-A2066